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BrickArms Experimental Battle Rifle #3 (XBR3)
Desgined in the secret labs of the Earth Defense, the XBR3 is the third revision of the Exeperimental Battle Rifle program in ongoing development. Rushed into service and delivered into the eager hands of outworld minifig marines defending the remote planets, it has proven itself to be a capable addition to any minifig's aresenal.
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BrickArms Experimental Battle Rifle #3 (XBR3)
Desgined in the secret labs of the Earth Defense, the XBR3 is the third revision of the Exeperimental Battle Rifle program in ongoing development. Rushed into service and delivered into the eager hands of outworld minifig marines defending the remote planets, it has proven itself to be a capable addition to any minifig's aresenal.
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