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BrickArms offers all the accessories, weapons, blades, guns, helmets, you ever dreamed of having for your minifigs.
Brickarms - many models of Swords, sabers, knives and other bladed weapons for Lego minifigs.
BrickArms guns, rifles and other weapons, ancient and modern, compatible with Lego minifigures.
BrickArms Sci-Fi weapons designed and printed by Bricks For Kids
BrickArms has created for your minifigure helmets and hats from german, american or english armies.
BrickArms weapon packs for your minifigs
BrickArms Experimental Light Rifle (XLR) inspired by Halo
BrickArms Experimental Model #7 (XM7)After six failed attempts, the weapons engineers think they've done it. Light and compact, the XM7 can go places the big guns can't.Is it ready for service? Only you can find out! Arm your minifigs with this capable little MG, and see their enemies fall!
BrickArms Experimental Model #7 Suppressed (XM7S)Compact and lightweight, the XM7-S can suppress any alien infestation or invasion! Based on the XM7 platform, the S model provides a sound supressor, and improved otpics.When your minifigs need to get the drop on the aliens, this is the gun of choice.
The most advanced minifig SMG: the BrickArms XMP! Brutally effective in counter-assault and close quarters battle scenarios, the BrickArms XMP is the SMG of tomorrow available today. Perfect for modern or scifi combat, arm your figs with the BrickArms XMP!
BrickArms Experimental Magnum Shotgun (XMS)Blast the invaders to bits with the Excperimental Magnum Shotgun!
BrickArms Experimental Railgun (XRG)When a plain old bullet, or energy blast won't do the trick, an electromagnetically launched projectile will!Strike terror into the cold black hearts of the alien horde, when your minifigs wield the BrickArms Experimental Railgun.