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Hey there, pilgrim! What you’re looking at here is the BrickArms Lever-Action Rifle, and ain't she a beaut? A finer minifig Western rifle there ain't, and she's based what them history-minded fellas call "the gun that won the West." Me, I just call it handy to have on the trail, and no cowhand minifig should have to go without one.
So fill your minifig's hand with the best there is: the BrickArms Lever-Action Rifle!
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Lever-Action Rifle (LAR)
Hey there, pilgrim! What you’re looking at here is the BrickArms Lever-Action Rifle, and ain't she a beaut? A finer minifig Western rifle there ain't, and she's based what them history-minded fellas call "the gun that won the West." Me, I just call it handy to have on the trail, and no cowhand minifig should have to go without one.
So fill your minifig's hand with the best there is: the BrickArms Lever-Action Rifle!
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Hey there, pilgrim! What you’re looking at here is the BrickArms Lever-Action Rifle, and ain't she a beaut? A finer minifig Western rifle there ain't, and she's based what them history-minded fellas call "the gun that won the West." Me, I just call it handy to have on the trail, and no cowhand minifig should have to go without one.
So fill your minifig's hand with the best there is: the BrickArms Lever-Action Rifle!
BrickArms Experimental Designated Marksman's...
0,50 €
0,50 €
BrickForge, Battering, Ram, Steel
0,75 €
0,50 €